
First Layer | Centers | F4L | OLL | PLL | Fix Centers

C5 is a casual method for solving a 5x5 Rubik's cube. It's relatively close to the way you'd solve a regular 3x3 and also takes a modified layer-by-laer approach.

My goal was to create a more interesting solving experience than just reducing it to a 3x3 without having to learn too many new algorithms. C5 is based on a lot of intuition during the solve and you'll only have to learn a few new algorithms that you don't already know from CFOP. The method is relatively smooth besides the OLL step which involves some trial and error and would benefit from some additional algorithms but we'll make do with it.

The notation I'll be using is as follows:

One last thing I want to mention is that this site is heavily inspired by Kirjava's K4 website and it really guided me through making my own. Thank you!
Also, the name C5 is inspired by K4 but it doesn't mean anything in particular.